Lake Minnewanka Loop
13km / 273m from Trailhead
27.8km / 411m from Banff Springs
Riding the Minnewanka Loop is a favorite among local road cyclists. If you're at ease navigating traffic, be sure to include this picturesque route in your list of must-try Banff road bike routes.
Legacy Trail Loop
46km / 563m from Banff Springs
Stetching from Banff to Canmore. The Legacy Trail was built for Banff National Park’s 125th anniversary. The trail is a celebration of the values of the national park, encouraging visitors and residents to explore the landscape in an environmentally friendly way.
Johnston Canyon via Vermillion Lakes Loop
54.2km / 887m from Banff Springs
Follow Vermillion Lakes road to the original highway 1. As you cycle along the historic keep an eye peeled for a variety of wildlife. Once at Johnston Canyon you can park the bikes and explore the canyon.
Spray River Loop
12.5km / 244m from Banff Springs
This winding, rolling gravel double track can be ridden as a loop in either direction or as an out-and-back from either trailhead. Choose your own adventure! The trail parallels the rushing Spray River. Great as a family outing and picnic near the bridge. Be sure to yield to horses.
Tunnel Bench Loop
16km / 310m from Banff Springs
Typically ridden clockwise, this popular loop connects The Spine, Coastline, Teddy Bear’s Picnic and Don’s Bypass to make a winding and varied entry-level singletrack with minimal elevation gain.
Minnewanka Shoreline to LM8 Loop
34km / 676m from Trailhead
59.4km / 1135m (from Banff Springs)
Don’t let the gentle opening of this iconic ride fool you; the physical demands and the remoteness of this trail require excellent fitness, bike handling skills and preparation. The challenging and at times exposed sidehill trail climbs steeply out of Stewart Canyon and heads east on a rollicking single track towards the park boundary at Devil’s Gap.